subculture, violence, Yugoslavia, hooliganism, skinheads,Abstract
The objects of this research are specific subcultures in FR Yugoslavia, which can be operatively defined as violent subcultures. Through several thematic units, three groups (hooligans, neo-Nazi skinheads and "diesel" subculture) are analyzed, including their general features, criminological and criminal law characteristics of violent acts, mutual conflicts and fields of mutual influence. Among other findings, research proves the existence of important peculiarities (including local specificities) in the domain of identity of each of the analyzed subcultural groups, but also the significant similarities between them, as well as between the criminal acts committed by their members. Based on the overall results of the analysis, as a key generators of the creation of specificities of local violent subcultures, as well as of their interaction, there can be distinguished: 1) political factors (Yugoslav civil war and its socio-political consequences, inter-ethnic tensions, expansion of extremist ideologies); 2) economic factors (sanctions, shortage of goods, economic crisis, rising poverty, economic polarization of society, etc.); 3) cultural factors (linked to a specific cultural environment that was significantly represented in the period of the existence of FR Yugoslavia).
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