delinquency, crime, youth, youth gangs, Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia, socialism, post-war periodAbstract
In this paper the author examines the relationship between the general social specifics of Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia and delinquent youth associations from that period. The first part is devoted to the analysis of the general features of delinquent youth groups in the United States after the Second World War. The second part is focused on the characteristics of youth gangs in the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia. Within the third part, the etiological and phenomenological specificities of the post-war local delinquent youth associations are observed. It was noted that the local delinquent groups from the aforementioned period possessed many similarities with the American "prototype" of the youth gang in the post-war era, but that they were still distinguished by significant characteristics. At the same time, it was concluded that the reasons for the mentioned local specificities should be sought through a multifactor approach, bearing in mind the general social environment of the post-war Yugoslavia, and collectively taking into account its sociopolitical, socioeconomic and cultural characteristics.
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