Books and articles

Osnove bezbednosti

Trgovina ljudima-Zločin protiv čovečnosti

Bezbednosna kultura-Umeće življenja

Organizovani kriminalitet-Imperija zla

Politika suzbijanja kriminaliteta

Organizovani kriminalitet - izazov XXI veka

Terorizam kao globalna pretnja

Forenzičko računovodstvo: revizija prevara

Insurance fraud

Bića i svetovi video igre : teorijska i kulturološka paradigma

The origin of criminal behavior


Relevantnost medija u funkciji reafirmacije bezbednosne kulture u politici nacionalne bezbednosti

Uticaj kulture „probuđenosti“ na bezbednost centralne i istočne Evrope

Bankruptcy of banks in the Serbian law

Certain aspects of EU policies in ecology and energy security

Savremeni terorizam u avio-saobraćaju

Psychophysical status of human trafficking victims

Mutual determination of national and European identity

Gamification as an innovative approach to security systems

Terrorist activities and internet government with focus on importance of prevention within a family

Specifics of the phenomenon of money laundering

Illegal migration as part of the challenges the Republic of Serbia faces on the road to European integration

The most significant international documents and criminal law regulations as a function of organised crime suppression

Analysis of the criminal justice framework as a starting point for the fight against organized crime in Serbia

Place and role of religion and families in the developing and prevention of prostitution

Organised criminality as a global threat

 Specific features of modern slavery as a deviant social phenomenon

Review on trauma and needs of human trafficking victims

Prostitution as criminiological and socio-pathological phenomenon

Contemporary tendencies in prevention of money laundring

The causes of growth and diversity of organized crime in the Republic Serbia

The importance of the fight against corruption and organized crime in the process countries of the western countries Balkans to the European union

Cyber crime and Internet pedophilia as an important international phenomenon

The potential threat to energy security expansion of modern forms of terrorism

Osvrt na pojedine aspekte krivičnopravne regulative mobinga u evropskom zakonodavstvu

Approach jpp in financing energy efficiency projects – financial and legal framework

Possibilities and prospects for environmental protection in the European Union

EU environmental protection within framework of criminal law

Environmental law, international legislative and the role of judiciary

Destructive power of the new terrorism information age

Humanitarian organisation in function of terrorism

Sources and methods of international terrorism financing

Al-qaida organization and its impact on family and society in the region of action

Review of terrorist organizations and modalities of their funding

Political instability in the western Balkans and terrorist challenges

Computer network as logistic support terrorist and criminal organization

The influence of religious fanaticism on the expansion of terrorism

The importance of education of young people on drug abuse

Particulars of Modern Slavery as a Deviant Social Phenomenon

Unapređenja odnosa Republike Srbije sa državama Jugoistočne Evrope u borbi protiv trgovine ljudima

Značaj usaglašavanja zajedničkih strategija Republike Srbije sa državama Jugoistočne Evrope u oblasti sprečavanja ilegalnih migracija i krijumčarenja ljudi

Certain aspects of EU policies in ecology and energy security

EU environmental policy and its criminal law framework

Tendencije u sistemu izvršenja sankcija u evropskom krivičnom zakonodavstvu

Harmonisation of national legislation with European standards in the field of protection of victims of human trafficking

Misuse of the internet as a part of security challenges, risks and threats

Industrial Accident as a Source of Jeopardising the Safety of People and Environment with a Special Review of the Case Study’ Accident in the Middle Section of the Danube River

Liability for Biodiversity Protection with Special Focus on Wild Flora and Fauna Conservation

The Current State of Pollution of Water, Soil and Air in the Republic of Serbia with Overview to the Importance of Industrial Ecology

Usklađivanja krivičnopravnog zakonodavstva republike srbije sa pravom evropske unije u oblasti zaštite životne sredine

Review of the uncontrolled use of certain chemicals and their adverse effect on human health and safe environment

Uranium and dioxin consequences of bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999 and its impact on the ecosystem and human health

Impact of Air Quality in Belgrade on Human Health and Safe Environment

Controversy over the impact of nickel ore on environment and safety in the Republic of Serbia

Flood risk management analysis for reducing harmful effects on human health, environment, cultural heritage and economic activity in the Republic of Serbia

Devastating of the environmental safety in the republic of Serbia via water pollution

Nuclear safety with reference to legal liability insurance and responsibility with nuclear damage

Review of Energy Security at Global Level With Special Reference to the Republic of Serbia (Economic and legal aspects)

Legal protection from climate change in the Republic of Serbia in the process of integration to the European Union

Importance of Proper Management of Radioactive Waste Control from the Aspect of Security Risks and Threats

Human organ trafficking - a crime of modern аge

Glo­bal ­ter­ro­rism ­as­ an ­ex­tre­me ­form­­ of­ de­gra­da­tion ­of ­hu­man­ rights

Role and importance of non-criminal subjects in modern crime prevention policy

Terrorism as a contemporary security challenge



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