Balkan, destabilization, geo-strategy, migration, Ukraine and Syrian CrisesAbstract
Region of Balkan, and especially its into the EU “un-integrated” western and central segment, represents a bridge between southeast part of European Rimland and the area of Near East. It is concursion territory of four geopolitical “Great spaces” and three civilizations for many centuries. In current situation, although it is under dominant influence of Atlantist`s geopolitics, Balkan represents the area of increasing presence of three other geopolitical options – Central-European, Eurasian and Neo-Ottoman. All of them are deeply involved in two main regional crises – Syrian and Ukrainian crises, whose consequences are spreading into the Balkan and whole Europe, among other things with the launching and directing of mass migration towards EU. This paper analyzes inter-Balkan relations between their states and other political subjects: it takes consideration of all main existing problems among them, including the possibility that the intensification of two external crises (mostly as the increase of migrant overflow through “Balkan route” and “Eastern route”) brings further destabilization to the Balkan states.
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