
  • Dragan Petrović Институт за међународну политику и привреду Београд


religious and confessional identities in the Balkans; migrant pressure; Turkey and the Balkans; Serbian interest; Great Powers and the Balkans; toward the multipolarism of the world order


In this paper the contemporary geopolitical situation in the Balkans at a time when the world is in the process of transition of the world order toward multipolarism is analyzed. In this direction in the Balkans were also noticed the elements of that process. In addition to the obvious dominance of the US and Atlanticist centers of power, as well as the European Union, the impact primarily of Russia and China is growing, while the Turkey is increasingly profiled as a separate regional power. The pressure of Muslim migrants from Near and Middle East, and North and sub-Saharan Africa, particularly its Balkan route is geographically taking place through Turkey. Turkey, as a regional power with special pretensions towards the Balkans, has the most interest in the spread of Islamic influence in this region. Hence, it would be very dangerous to pull in Turkey on the side in the Balkan relations, because at the same time it has geopolitical motives and interests that are often opposite to the interests of the Balkan countries of Christian identity, referring specifically to the Serbian factor. Serbian factor is further threatened by the potential influx of Muslim immigrants because it has borders and controversial points and even conflicting relations with Muslim neighbors (Albanians, Bosnians). In that direction, for Serbian interests is desirable the further influence primarily of the impact of Russia and China, as well as those European countries that have traditional and potentially good relations with Serbs, such as France, Italy, Spain and others. It is particularly important to reach a consensus of strategic interests, including also the migrant problem, with the neighboring friendly and related countries such as Greece, Macedonia, Romania, Montenegro, Republic of Srpska (BH), Bulgaria, then Hungary and others.


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