Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Function of Recognizing Emotions and Violent Mentality
algorithm, datasets, classification, facial expressions, violent personality, quantum computingAbstract
In this paper, we discuss the impact of the latest technologies, primarily artificial intelligence (AI), on the wider social and natural environment, as well as on the individual lives of people in an increasing range of contexts. We talk about AI as complex ecosystems made up of natural resources, energy, human labour, infrastructure, logistics, history, data, and a multitude of classifications. Even though for now, AI is neither artificial nor as intelligent as it is presented to the general public, there is a strong desire for its universalization and absolutization. In this paper, we have specifically discussed the possibility of applying AI to recognize emotions and violent mentality to prevent violent behaviour. This required an analysis of the practice of collecting data and classifying them into fixed categories in order to achieve “reliable” search outputs for different needs. The profile of a violent personality is determined by both social-relational and biological-psychological characteristics, which represents a large number of variables that should be taken into account when constructing an algorithm for recognizing emotions and violent personality. We conclude that with the current level of AI development and very reduced and discrete algorithms, it is not possible to take into account enough data to obtain a reliable way to predict behaviour and take possible measures without discrimination and danger to individuals and society as a whole. But given the incredibly rapid technological development, especially in the field of quantum computing, this field faces a very dynamic future.
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