


human trafficking, human traffickers, profiling, sexual exploitation


Human trafficking is not a sporadic phenomenon that has consequences for a limited number of people, but a phenomenon with deep social and economic implications, bearing in mind the tendency to benefit from globalization and the use of new technologies. It is spread on every continent and every region of the world with the intention of permanent growth. Although it affects all ages and both sexes, it is dominant about women and girls as victims of human trafficking for sexual exploitation. The forms of exploitation are diverse and all involve the violent exploitation and abuse of human beings and their rights. The causes of this phenomenon are numerous and complex because our everyday life is full of numerous contradictions, conditioned by our existence in a specific global crisis of morality. One of the side effects of this crisis is the ubiquitous alienation of man from man. Therefore, this paper focuses on the importance of profiling human traffickers, their characteristics and modus operandi in the process of recruitment, and the mechanisms they use to control victims. It is one of the ways of reacting to make human trafficking more visible, as part of preventive programs before the belated manifestation. Methods were applied: quantitative and qualitative content analysis, comparative analysis (reaction to human trafficking), and descriptive and analytical statistics. The creative goal is to recognize human trafficking as a crime against humanity that requires an effective response from society.


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How to Cite

Bjelajac, Željko. (2022). PROFILING HUMAN TRAFFICKERS . KULTURA POLISA, 19(4), 65–81.


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