Multidimensional Perspectives of Domestic Violence in Serbia


  • Boro Merdović Ministry of Interior
  • Željko Bjelajac Faculty of Law for Commerce and Judiciary, Novi Sad



domestic violence, abuse, neglect, violence against women


Domestic violence with its various manifestations and forms has captured the attention of the scientific and professional public, especially in the last few decades. The consequences it causes not only affect the individual and his personal development, but also have multiple negative implications for the narrower and wider social environment and society as a whole. Most often, women and children are victims of domestic violence, and extensive measures and a multidisciplinary approach are being taken around the world in order to prevent domestic violence and minimize the consequences. The aim of this paper is to point out the etiology and forms of domestic violence with special emphasis on violence against women and children. A phenomenon with serious social consequences that causes traumatic effects on the normal and harmonious development of children is child abuse, which manifests itself in two forms: abuse and neglect. Through the review and results of numerous studies and foreign professional literature, we will point out the prevalence of the phenomenon. In the last part of the paper, we will point out the negative implications of abuse and violence on the mental and physical integrity of the victim, primarily women and children.


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How to Cite

Merdović, B., & Bjelajac, Željko. (2021). Multidimensional Perspectives of Domestic Violence in Serbia . KULTURA POLISA, 18(46), 185–202.



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