Violence, Social Pathology, Socio-pathological PhenomenaAbstract
The fact is that since have became a man, there is also a violence. However, in recent years, living and working conditions of modern man have changed considerably. Among other things, the everyday average person it is threatened by the escalation of various forms of violence, manifested by affecting the vital spheres of functioning. If we look beyond this phenomenon, the field of social pathology in recent years evolved into a scientific discipline that's exactly why the sociopathological phenomena are the backbone of modern living conditions. Psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologists present their expert opinions and try to explain the reasons, but it seems that they caught the escalation of senseless cruelty. Given that social pathology includes a set of different occurrences that are considered undesirable and negative from the standpoint of certain generally accepted norms and values in society, in addition to crime, alcoholism, prostitution, drug abuse, various forms of disorganization group, significant socio-pathological phenomenon is violence. Keeping this fact in mind, the focus in this paper is directed precisely to violence as a form of socio-pathological behavior.
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