Roma students, peer group position, educational system, stereotypesAbstract
The introductory and theoretical part of paper shows a brief overview of the problem of Roma population in the Republic of Serbia. More precisely, we will see their positions, obstacles and challenges in educational system. Namely, paper presents and analyzes the results from already existing researches on the status of Roma children in schools and shows an unequal position of Roma pupils in the peer group. In view of this, that stereotypes are one of the main problems of Roma inclusion in educational system – paper also elaborated on the main theoretical perspectives of the concept „stereotypes”.
After that, the main research task of this paper is to examine and analyze the social relations and positions of Roma students within four primary schools in Novi Sad, two of which are in the city center, while two are from the periphery of the city, using sociometic techniques. The research involved 111 pupils from five grades of primary schools from the teritory of Novi Sad, aged 11-12 (51 boys and 60 girls). Of the total number of pupils 10% are Roma children (11 Roma pupils).
Based on the obtained data we can conclude that Roma continue to be an ethnic group who are on the margins of the society, unaccepted and ignored. The position of Roma pupils in elementary schools which located in the center of the city points to the existence and perpetuation of the problem of their inclusion in educational system. Their sociometic positons are unfavorable and refers on need for reconstruction of educational institutions. The results of the research also shows the difference of the position of Roma pupils in schools in the city center comapred to position of Roma pupils in the peripheral parts of the city. The first, there is a higher percentage of Roma children in the class, which is understandable because Roma settlements are mostly on the peripheral parts of the city. And the second, Roma pupils from peripheral parts of the city have a far more favorable status in group. The paper itself does not deal with the reasons of that, but it opens up possibilites for new issues and topics in the following works.
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