Criminological Aspect of Youth Violence


  • Boro Merdović Ministry of Interior, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Rajka Vujović Faculty of Law for Commerce and Judiciary, Novi Sad, Serbia



violence, violent behavior, aggression, youth crime, prevention


There is no society and time epoch in the development of a civilization that was not characterized by violence and aggression. Once upon a time it was justified as a global and desirable characteristic of a society and a state, today, aggression and violence is a phenomenon that should be opposed in all ways. Incriminated in almost all laws of modern states, violent behavior and aggression require a multidisciplinary approach in explanation, etiology, phenomenology, and ways of confrontation. The aim of this paper is to point out the problem of youth violence, which is expanding and which affects all aspects of children’s existence, starting with the family, school, social environment and society as a whole. The consequences of violent and aggressive behavior of young people will also be discussed, regardless of whether they are in the role of the perpetrator of a violent crime or a victim, as well as the possibilities and needs of preventive action. We will try to answer several important questions regarding youth violence, such as: are young people more victims of violence or committing acts of violence themselves, what are the main causes of violence among young people and what are the most common forms of youth violence.


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How to Cite

Merdović, B., & Vujović, R. (2021). Criminological Aspect of Youth Violence . KULTURA POLISA, 18(2), 23–38.


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