refugee migrant crisis, terrorism, security challenges, globalizationAbstract
Current migrations are a complex contemporary social phenomenon, with significant political, economic, historical, psychological, demographic and other aspects. At the same time, the migrations pose a prominent security challenge for the countries on their routes, especially those chosen as a final destination. There are two main reasons for this. One, there is a serious risk and a high probability that Islamic terrorist organizations may infiltrate their own members among migrants in order to help them move to a target country, primarily somewhere in the Western Europe, with the aim to organize and carry out terrorist attacks. The other is the involvement and connection between organized criminal groups and illegal migrations. For example, the terrorist attacks in France and Belgium involved terrorists who had previously transited the so-called Balkan migrant route. The threats arising from interactions between terrorism and illegal migrations have been recognized by relevant international and Serbian institutions. Accordingly, the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration of Serbia officially claim that, based on their data, there is a high probability of terrorists using the Balkan route which has so far seen about one and a half million migrants go through Serbia. All these indicators have brought the synergy of problems arising from the triangle of illegal migration, terrorism and international organized crime, into the focus of intelligence and security structures. They still, both independently and in dynamic cooperation, through proactive and reactive action, search for an effective response, so that they could act preventatively and protect their national interests and implicitly contribute to maintaining the required level of regional and global security.
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