Serdarships as Protoregions of Central Serbia




Serdarship, regions, decentralization, district, Serbia


Since the restoration of Serbian statehood in 1804, throughout the nineteenth and most of the twentieth century, the area of modern Central Serbia has been territorially fragmented into a number of local (self)government units of the third degree, which were initially called nahiyas and later districts. The only exception during the existence of the modern independent state of Serbia was made in 1834 with the formation of five larger regions composed of several districts, which were named serdarships. The paper aims to determine, above all, the territorial scope of the then established serdarships, as well as to provide an answer to the question of whether these regions could be considered protoregions of Central Serbia. Given the short duration of this administrative-territorial division, which lasted less than a year, the lack of studies that would address specific issues, which means the lack of basic data on the geographical distribution of these regions, in this study we will try to locate the space and boundaries of these five serdarships. We will also try to determine their historical foundation, as well as the potential practical use value in today's context of the process of political decentralization and statistical regionalization.


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How to Cite

Ilic, D. (2022). Serdarships as Protoregions of Central Serbia. KULTURA POLISA, 19(3), 203–224.
