lobbying, lobbyists, lobbying, groups, contacts, corruptionAbstract
Lobbying has long since become an integral part of the democratic decision-making process in many countries. We can freely say that lobbying has become a highly sophisticated activity which consists of a mixture of a large number of skills that are necessary for its implementation.
The consequence of misuse of the term lobbying led to the fact that this process still has a negative connotation. However, the process of lobbying is one of the most important phenomena democratization. Lobbying not constitute corrupt influential impact on the public, but a favorite meeting to present all facts regarding a case. Lobbying is now right and obligation of every member of the Democratic Union, to influence the adoption of legislative decisions that will cover all the interests of the citizens. Lobbying in Washington is not the same as in Berlin because the decision-making process as a way of financing political parties completely different.
Will the lobby one person or group of persons on the issues to be resolved and the circumstances. It is important that each country must legally regulate lobbying and must always control all the factors in the process of lobbying. Lobbyists should not be seen as people who work on the fringes of the law, they should be viewed as full participants in the legislative process in a democratic society, where all participants play an equally important role. When lobbying it is necessary to avoid unverified and unsafe data, rationale must demonstrate the importance of the forthcoming lobbies.
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