интернет, безбедносна култура, злоупотребе интернета, компјутерски криминал, интернет педофилијаAbstract
Safety culture is reflected in general terms to identify hazards, eliminate them or referring to those entities responsible to respond professionally and preserve endangered values. In addition, the values can be easily defined, as our beliefs about what is good or bad, or the extent to which something is right or wrong, permissible or impermissible, useful or not useful, desirable or undesirable, and thus reflects the moral dimension. Moral norms that used to stand, with the expansion of information - communication technologies, and the pervasive use of computers and the Internet as a global network, we are beginning to suffer drastic changes. Specifically, it is imposed by the global change in the speed and manner of communication, creating an important impact on the quality of life ''common man''. This influence is evident in all spheres of social life. Positive and useful novelties of modern information and computer technology, both as a side effect brought different forms of abuse and danger, especially when aimless and uncontrolled use of the Internet. Among other things, the most common associations related to Internet abuse is related to pornography. It is understood that other sites with illegal content influence the longterm'' poisoning'' children. In addition to the inevitable, and the primary role of parents, and the necessary support from all segments of society in order to raise the collective awareness through media and education campaign, geared towards children and young people, for information on the possibilities of protection on the Internet and how to use the general form of its safe use in to protect the integrity, especially minors.
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