populism, nationalism, European Union, right-wing parties, Serbia, migration, xenophobiaAbstract
The authors explore the causes and characteristics of the rise of the rightwing populism and nationalism within the European Union, as well as its consequences on the integration of the Republic of Serbia in the EU. Through their analysis, the authors compare the effects of multiple factors, from the consequences of the Global Economic Crisis and European Debt Crisis to the current Migrant Crisis and the increased danger of terrorist activity in Europe, on the political arena of the European Union and the rise of the right-wing and nationalist ideas within it. Article also deals with the state of mind of the population of the member states, as well as recent election results of the right-wing parties across the European Union. The authors conclude with potential effects of this political trend on the position of the Republic of Serbia within the process of integration in the EU, as well as its internal politics.
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