Deradicalization of Returning Foreign Fighters and Homegrown Terorrists


  • Danilo Vujović National Security Academy, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Nedeljko Cvetković National Security Academy, Belgrade, Serbia



deradicalization, radicalization, foreign fighters, homegrown terorrism, deradicalization programs, phases of radicalization


In the last couple of years, with the prolification of the Migrant Crisis and the defeat of the Islamic State, the return of the foreign fighters, who went form Europe to the Caliphate and joined the local conflict, as well as the problem of the homegrown terrorism have become the focal point of almost all national security strategies of European countries. The situation that followed drove the authors to set the possible approaches to solving this challenge to European security as a goal for their research. The subject of this article encompasses the process of deradicalization, as the only humane way to deal with the problem at hand, as well as the process of radicalization, as necessary for understanding the formation of the individuals that pose a threat to the security of Europe. The article also tackles the preventive work directed at those social groups that are deemed susceptible to radicalization, as well as the use of individualized and holistic approach to the radicalized individuals. Special consideration is given to the programs of deradicalization as a form of institutionalized way of dealing with this type of a security risk. In the conclusion the authors give their own view of what is the most adeqaute approach when working with radicalized individuals and the role of certain elements of society in it.


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How to Cite

Vujović, D., & Cvetković, N. (2021). Deradicalization of Returning Foreign Fighters and Homegrown Terorrists. KULTURA POLISA, 18(45), 87–100.
