Holy Communion, ecology, Liturgy, creation, ecological issueAbstract
The modern man experiences a number of enduring problems as he stampedes through the rapid technical and technological development. At the present time, one of the core questions is the environmental issue having entered all pores of the society. The environment and creation as a whole have been constantly experiencing a process of degradation and ruin. The logical questions are: Is there a way out? How to preserve the environment? Can man save nature? A series of programs, trainings, standards and protocols for the environmental awareness have been created in an attempt to address this problem. Religious scholars, theologians, as well as numerous members of the elites have stated that this approach results only in partial healing, it doesn’t provide a solution for problems, therefore it only mitigates the consequences of industrialization and technical growth. The new perception of the environment is essential, hence in its core, the world that is created. It is man’s duty to safeguard his environment and to present the God with the substance for the salvation in the Holy Eucharist of the relationship between him, God and the creation. Judgment of the created world is not only a matter of the relationship between God, man and the world, but it is about weighing, "measuring" man and the world for the purpose of the eschatological realization of the Kingdom of God, following the principle of the threefold love of God. Therefore, Man should be a priest of the Eucharist and receive the gift of eternal life in the sacrilegious offering of the world to God.
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Библијски извори:
Dela Apostolska. 10,11
Jevanđelje po Jovanu. 6,51
Jevanđelje po Jovanu. 7,38
Jevanđelje po Jovanu. 14,6
Jevanđelje po Marku. 14,22
Jevanđelje po Mateju. 27,24
Kološanima poslanica. 1,15
Poslanica Efescima. 1,10
Poslanica Rimljanima. 8,19
Prva Poslanica Korinćanima. 4,4
Prva Poslanica Korinćanima. 8,6
Prva Poslanica Korinćanima. 11,25
Prva Poslanica Korinćanima. 15,22
Psalam. 23,5
Psalam. 74, 16-17
Psalam. 115,2
Интернет извори:; (Vladika Ignatije Midić, Biće kao eshatološka zajednica, pristupljeno 27.1.2020).; (Episkop Niški G. Jovan, Tajna Simvola, predavanje održano 5. oktobra 2014. u prostorijama svetosavskog doma u Nišu, pristupljeno 2.3.2020).; (World Commission on Environment and Development. 1987. Our Common Future, Oxford University Press, pristupljeno 9.4.2020).; (Okvirna konvenciji Ujedinjenih nacija o klimatskim promenama (Član 1, tačka 2), pristupljeno 10.4.2020).