
  • Dušan Dostanić Институт за политичке студије Београд


Lorenz von Stein, Social conservatism, social state, kingdom, proletariat


In this article the author deals with Lorenz von Stein’s idea of social kingdom. By analysing social question on French example Stein came to conclusion that the class struggle between workers and capitalists is on the scene. In the industrial societies we see new form of poverty – pauperization. Class of capitalists is a ruling class in society but they also strive to rule the state and use it as an instrument of their reign. On the other hand, workers become conscious of their position within the class system and they formulate socialist teachings. Stein believes that this course of events leads to social revolution. He doesn’t just predict the revolution but also describes her logic and consequences. Stein’s conclusion is that revolution leads to violence, counterrevolution, terrorism, reign of terror and in the end dictatorship. Unlike socialists Stein wanted to avoid revolution so he turns to state. In order to avoid revolution and preserve freedom the state must answer to the social question. So Stein’s conception is essentially conservative. Based on Hegelian teachings he calls upon a state as a higher force, independent from social forces. He also justifies states interventions in social matters. Inspired by Prussian monarchist tradition Stein speaks of kingdom and bureaucracy as specific institutions which supposed to solve the social question. Thus he urges to the kingdom of social reforms. So social question is to be solved by enabling to the workers to acquire education and capital. In this way Stein represents an important social conservative thinker.


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How to Cite

Dostanić, D. . (2014). IDEA OF SOCIAL KINGDOM ACCORDING TO LORENZ VON STEIN. KULTURA POLISA, 11(25), 247–260. Retrieved from



Monographic study
