Investigations of Plato, Antique philosophy, Platos ontotheology, Platonism and ChristianityAbstract
Anthique ontotheology, as she foundated by Plato and Aristotel in a critic of the mythopoetic reperaesentations of the folklore greek religion of his time, and in a institution the conception of the God as a measure of all things, or a God of truth in a Lows, with a Aristoteles ascension of that concept above physical reality, was the challenge of the articulation in a science understanding in a first centuries of the christianity with a apparence of apologets who, as it says uesually, hellenisated the christian faith. In a deep philosophical disscusion with a hypotheses of thinking, meets with it a succession of thinkers, heritraged a strong witnesses about this kind of understanding, what also today making the main part of the best shape of best attorneys of the culture of polis in the reaching of a good himself.
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