
  • Boban G. Tomić Факултет за медије и комуникације Београд


media system, agens, civil society, profesionalism, media organizations


The modern practice of Serbia's media system is dynamic mainly oriented to the harmonization of the media industry with global development trends. The activities of the State and the current models of ownership and financial relationships in the media market, substantially affect its function and development. Within Serbia's media system is necessary to the operation of those elements that support it and dynamize - agens. Practice shows that the mode of organization and action of some agens often exceeds its frames and functions and making a problematic interaction with other elements of the system. Such a situation actualize some questions about the functions of media associations as agens, especially those who need to contribute to the professionalism, objectivity and efficiency of media companies. According to Serbian law, there are possibilities for joint cooperation of individuals and organizations in different associations of citizens, business, professional and scientific associations. This possibility was used by media associations and are established to improve working conditions for journalists and the media and improving media profession. Program activities of media associations in most cases are not fully in line with the objectives proclaimed these same associations. The most famous associations UNS, NUNS, NDNV, ANEM, Local Press and the trade unions of employees in the media, they have problems. These problems are based on the conflicts within the organization and the inconsistencies of their objectives and actions. In the proclaimed activities most frequently and in almost all statutes of these associations are listed educational programs, networking, exchange of ideas, cooperation with civil society and public institutions, international cooperation and organization of expert meetings, conferences and similar activities. Implementation of the work and the time since proclaimed to the practical operation is big problem, there is a different degree of realization of the proclaimed goals and activities. There are also problems in financing. Associations are largely dependent on donations of domestic and foreign funds in private and public ownership. Associations have a strong membership base them away from the members and the basic principles for which they were established. Associations must undergo significant changes and a redefinition of the legal framework and action. In order to survive and improve their work associations must be aware of its primary purpose, and must avoid internal conflicts. Association of media employees have their work exclusively directed towards the interests of employees in the media industry. These associations should not take part in the activities of political character, nor the activities of the legislative and executive authorities. That means you would have to redefine the way of cooperation with state bodies in the area of drafting laws and bylaws, as well as the distribution of state aid. Business media associations must represent the interests of media owners of capital and commercial business. Scientific media associations must work on research, development and application of new technologies in the media. Trade unions must be granted to the trade unions of employees and employers' unions and their interests must be coordinated.


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How to Cite

G. Tomić, B. . (2016). MODELS AND PRACTICE OF MEDIA ASSOCIATIONS SERBIA. KULTURA POLISA, 13(31), 535–546. Retrieved from



Monographic study
