child sexual exploitation, law enforcement, child abuse images and videos, law, society reactionsAbstract
Authors in this article are trying to address problems in the Serbian law system and Law enforcement practice at first level in determining what represents child sexual abuse activity (CSA) and material following it. On the next level it is pointed out to the problems and illusions in creation malfunctional paradigms with fawl definitions, and noneficient working material for law enforcing. Definitions are shown in ommissions even from the strategical law acts down to the last norm. Practically it is shown through analysis of statistical values and variables in the phenomena on the field. Authors are providing comparative analysis of the issue on the strategic, tactial and operationa level, colliding total of registered high-tech crimes HTC and comparing it with whole criminal activity in Republic of Serbia, and dispersing it to specific crimes in CSA and material creating for CSA. Results show low incidence of CSA crimes, but in this article it is intention to directly compare real incidence through comparison of crime rate and clearance rate of those crimes in order to get statistically and scientifically significant results.
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