
  • Zoran M. Stevanović Институт за криминолошка и социолошка истраживања Београд


human rights of prisoners, prison system, prison staff, abuse of empowerments, abuse of position, criminal sanctions, punishment of imprisonment


In this paper, the author analyzes the concept, organization and jurisdiction of prison system in the process of prison sentence execution, particularly emphasizing the safety of prisoners, the protection of human rights of the persons who are deprived of their liberty and the respect of their dignity. Hence, basic normative acts regulating prisoners’ rights, as well as actual conditions that appear in the practice of penitentiary institutions are presented in this place. The organization of prison system and, in particular, prison staff, represent essential factors when it comes to creating necessary preconditions for the execution of institutional criminal sanctions in a humane, safe and lawful manner.

The author of the paper discusses and points out the cases in which the members of prison staff abused their authorities, by using their empowerments in prison conditions, and applied means of coercion in an exaggerated way or without real cause, or exposed convicts to psychological pressure. Accusations, objections and complaints about the behavior of prison staff are common under such conditions. By abusing their powers and empowerments, the representatives of formal prison system violate and limit prisoners’ human rights in the most direct and the most severe manner. Due to the actual threat of the violation of prisoners’ human rights during their stay in prison, international organizations, associations and non – governmental sector permanently insist on the control of the respect of prisoners’ human rights, as well as on the establishment of social mechanisms that would enable the supervision of prisons and the protection of the rights of the persons who are deprived of their liberty.


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How to Cite

Stevanović, Z. M. . (2012). PRISON SYSTEM AND HUMAN RIGHTS OF PRISONERS IN SERBIA. KULTURA POLISA, 9(2), 241–256. Retrieved from
