
  • Danijela R Gavrilović Универзитет у Нишу Филозофски факултет Ниш
  • Aleksandra P Kostić Универзитет у Нишу Филозофски факултет Ниш
  • Dragana S Zaharijevski Универзитет у Нишу Филозофски факултет Ниш


family relations, border area, Serbia


The goal of this text is to present the theoretical and methodological construct for research of family relations in the border areas of Serbia. The starting point is the idea that the phenomena of border and border area are important topics of sociological analyses precisely because they carry certain characteristics of social life that are different in comparison to the social life of people in non-border areas. Family relations are also a common topic of sociological analyses, and the idea of this text is that the family relations in the border areas carry a specificity that requires an analysis through the indicators that will validate these specificities. The intention of the authors in this text is to show the factors which determine the quality and nature of family relations in the border areas.


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How to Cite

R Gavrilović , D. ., P Kostić , A. ., & S Zaharijevski, D. . (2012). INTRODUCTION TO THE ANALYSIS OF FAMILY RELATIONS IN THE BORDER AREAS OF SOUTH-EAST SERBIA. KULTURA POLISA, 9(19), 263–278. Retrieved from



Monographic study
