South Stream; The revision of the agreement; Non-execution of the agreementAbstract
The object of this paper is an analysis of the legal and meta-legal aspects of the South Stream Agreement. Russian energy sector with a „foreign element” includes three main vectors and, according to the author, the South Stream is not primary both economically and strategically. This paper consists of two aspects of analysis: - Legal (EU request for the revision of agreements signed on South Stream is legally very interesting: all civil law mechanisms of agreement amendment, such as novation, institutions like rebus sic stantibus, agreement termination - are not relevant to a particular legal and factual situation; the redefinition of the centuries-old formula of the agreement shall be done by the request for revision by the third parties so that in the time of demoncratura agreement is a conditional source of exercising rights and obligations, i.e. agreement is in suspensive condition until it is approved by the mighty self-proclaimed non-contractual or third party subject); - A description of time demons and record of so called „muddy facts” of postmodernism which by deduction makes a conclusion about the certainty of non-fulfillment of the South Stream Agreement and The author believes that it is probable that the contractual obligations of the South Stream Agreement shall not be enforced by the will of one Contracting Party and that the other party - Russia shall not be a loser as a result of that.
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