
  • Dragan Aleksić Институт за новију историју Србије Београд


Great War, peace, Europe, League of Nations, pact, disarmament, peace agreements


During the interwar period Europe, heavily burdened by the cruel experience of pas war, was in honest search for the peace. A great amount of political energy was invested in finding a lasting solutions, yet that couldn’t be achieved without extensive territorial changes, an concession that war victors were unwilling to make. International political relations in interwar period Europe can be analyzed in three stages of development. During the first stage, the victorious forces dictated the order of international relationships, without taking the interests of defeated powers in account. Second stage was marked by communication of victors and defeated ones, regarding the changes of economic, political and actual circumstances. Political and ideological differences between confronted parties became irreconcilable during the third stage. The revision of existing system became impossible in peaceful manner, which has led to inevitable outbreak of war.


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How to Cite

Aleksić, D. . (2014). VERSAILLES EUROPE IN SEARCH OF PEACE. KULTURA POLISA, 11(25), 217–230. Retrieved from



Monographic study
