
  • Slobodan Reljić Учитељски факултет Београд


age of masses, pragmaticism, manipulation, techniques, Creel Committee, hatred, fascism


The spin is the most sophisticated product of the consciousness industry, to which the production of lies and half-trues by incident is no match, and proffesional journalists and public inteligentsia publish it - contrary to their moral codes. To spin is more than do misinform, defined as „deliberate releasing of a false information, aimed to mislead and deceive”. PR managers, ordered by their clients - large political or business oriented organizations - use the „news engineering” to produce the desired Thruth, and as professional manipulators lack sense of guilt or moral dilemmas, because they are faced to an individual, who is, in a formal sense, free to choose the best for himself, although in reality he`s not able to get protection from subconscious manipulations, nor is competent to judge on plethora of information that he is exposed to every day. As a method used to pall the ability of critical thought, spin, at a societal level, presents „a bigger threat to our democracy than many open attack on it” (Fromm), and its purpose is not aimed at protecting common interest, but at defending the governing elites` positions instead.


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How to Cite

Reljić, S. . (2014). A BRIEF HISTORY OF SPIN. KULTURA POLISA, 11(25), 139–161. Retrieved from https://kpolisa.com/index.php/kp/article/view/1201



Monographic study
