
  • Dobrivoje Stanojević Факултет Политичких Наука Београд
  • Samir Ljajić Факултет Политичких Наука Београд


PR, marketing, non-verbal communication, rhetoric, stereotype eristic crisis


The impact of the crisis, material and moral, to the modern public relations is all the more obvious. Verbal and non-verbal PR appearances are increasingly showing inappropriate content. Homonyms and pathos dominate the public language. Globalization lexicon is fashionable, cheaply witty, manipulative and artificial. Marginal side of life, incidental passing populist speeches and sensationalist themes became the center of events. Apparent lack of creativity in the language of PR service conditions glorification in firm globalization rhetorical models. This leads to a kind of recycling of linguistic and other matrices and pathetic metaphors of everyday life. Hence, it is obvious phenomenon of neopathetic sensationalism. Mixing different language matrix gradually leads to obsessive repetition of the same rhetorical scheme. Therefore, the language of PR services is reduced to the form, a form of emptiness.


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How to Cite

Stanojević , D. ., & Ljajić, S. . (2016). PUBLIC RELATIONS AND CRISIS. KULTURA POLISA, 13(31), 547–557. Retrieved from



Review Article
