
  • Nenad Bingulac Правни факултет за привреду и правосуђе Нови Сад
  • Milovan Jovanović Правни факултет за привреду и правосуђе Нови Сад


plea bargaining of minor offence, plea bargaining of criminal cases, acceptance of misdemeanor responsibility, negotiations about the type of sanctions


The complexity of plea bargaining of minor offence is that in circumstances prescribed by law, a defendant and a claimant, existence of mutual will start negotiations on the type of sanctions after defendant accept responsibility. This positive legal institute is relatively new in the domestic legislation, both in the criminal procedure, and in the minor offense, and therefore is still under “eye” of professional and the general public. Certain segments of this legal institute raise questions of its justification, especially the purpose of punishment due to the possibility of agreement on the type of sanction. On the other hand, the importance of its application is that it achieves the efficiency of court proceedings, the court reduced costs and less process work for process subjects. In addition to these questions so far, the special attention is on the implementation and development of this institute in misdemeanor legislation of the Republic of Serbia. The application and frequency of plea bargaining is shown through statistical data which are presented in this paper.


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How to Cite

Bingulac , N. . ., & Jovanović, M. . (2016). PLEA BARGAINING OF MINOR OFFENCE IN THE MISDEMEANOR LAW IN SERBIA. KULTURA POLISA, 13(31), 407–417. Retrieved from



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