honorary consul, career consul, consulate, Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, Rulebook on the honorary consulsAbstract
The thesis analyzes the institution of the honorary consul with special emphasis on its role and significance in the practice. At the beginning of the thesis there is presented the brief history of the honorary consul institution, the meaning of the term „honorary consul” and the problems of the codification of this institution.
The exposure of all roles, functions, privileges and immunities enjoyed by the honorary consuls represents the focus of the thesis. The thesis contains the analyzes of the honorary consul status through the prism of the international law, based on the provisions of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 1963. Further, the thesis contains explanations of the functions, rights and obligations of the honorary consuls comparing to the national rights through the Analyzes of the Rulebook on the honorary consuls from 2009.
At the end, by the enumeration of the critics and the complaints, but also of those good sides of this institution, it is reached the conclusion about the significance of the honorary consuls' existence in the practice.
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