diplomacy, intelligence service, information, intelligence work, ambassadorAbstract
This work is based on defining characteristics of diplomacy and intelligence work, their similarities and differences. What is the concept and essence of the intelligence services and their work? Intelligence is a specific organization of the state, which has the task to collect, study, process and use intelligence on other countries as well as other activities of a subversive nature. Determines which is the Definition of diplomacy with special emphasis on military diplomacy. Diplomacy is a branch of policies aimed at keeping foreign policy. Military diplomacy is also available as part of the organization and as business and skills within and outside the general diplomacy and its object-military relations with foreign element. It is particularly important defiining terms and notification intelligence work as well as their differences. Notification as a function of a diplomatic mission to Thebes, first of all, that aims to research and study all areas of importance for the development of the country in which they operate diplomatic representatives of other countries which would lead to the development of good relations, cooperation and better understanding between countries. Intelligence work is incriminating diplomatic work mission. Exceeding the limit laid down in the normal functioning of diplomatic and consular representatives of the state, or crossing the border notification represents intelligence. Although the prescribed privileges and immunities intended for guaranteeing and ensuring the normal performance of the functions of a diplomatic mission and on the other hand protect the integrity of the receiving state, throughout history and today, there are frequent misuse of the same. There are Intelligence services as parts of Foreign Minister, if we take for example the USA and Russia, most respected country in the world in the economic, military, territorial and others sense, we will see that they have at their national secretariats and ministries of foreign affairs and special intelligence services whose goal is precisely to intelligence, which does not mean that they have no other country, on the contrary. We are witnessing the rapid development of civilization in all fields, both technological and sociological, where the country's leaders of the development race to see who will be the better way to overcome a specific problem and be a step ahead of the others. The recent events in the world have shown us that even though it emphasized the technical means of intelligence activities, but primarily takes place man, adhesion factor of all funds that seek to beat the opponent. High quality human resource is what needs to be nurtured in the bodies of Foreign Affairs and as the state would have quick and relevant information that can be exploited in their international activities and positioning.
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