Security Culture as a Fundamental Human Need
security, security culture, human needs, education system, global societyAbstract
Modern society exists in conditions of evident contradictions and complex problems. In addition to chronic poverty, ethnic violence, regional war conflicts, the expansion of terrorism and organized crime, we have long faced climate change and environmental degradation. The destruction of ecosystems has become a kind of crisis multiplier, which has deep implications for international peace and stability. In the age of scientific and technological prosperity in the search for answers to old and new security threats, we are also facing a latent moral stumbling on a global level, which is reflected in the phenomenon of “alienation of man from man”, which is the cause of many evils. Addiction diseases, where drug addiction, smoking and alcoholism predominate, dominate among the young population and develop serious diseases with fatal outcomes. It is known that many important aspects of human development also relate to the security of people, who naturally strive for “freedom from fear and freedom from poverty.” Therefore, building and maintaining a security culture, on the one hand, is not a simple process, and on the other hand, it is like any other process that people manage and which involves continuous activities, planning, control and audit. The sentence, “what kind of security culture you have, such is the character of your society”, has gained real meaning in the current time.
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