Тheater, Мanagement, Ancient Era, Middle Ages, Renaissance, RomanticismAbstract
Reflecting all the historical events and all social and economic change in society, the theater has always been incorporated into all forms and segments of the sociopolitical life, at the same time as unprofitable and alimentirano from the state, its organizational-management form has changed and adapted to conditions and requirements that have brought periods of evolutionary history, whether it comes to the ancient Greek and Roman theater, the medieval theater, theater in the Renaissance and romanticism or national European theaters of the eighteenth century. On the other hand, since the management as a scientific discipline is constituted only at the beginning of the twentieth century, which is a short period of historical concepts and relations, about the history of management in theater we can speak only in the context of the history of the theater as a whole, further accentuated through the historical review of changes in the overall model of organization, management and financing of theater activities, with special emphasis on the relationship between government and theater.
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