military coup, Turkey, geopolitics, AKP, foreign policy reorientationAbstract
Failed military coup in Turkey on 15th of July has provoked many speculations about motives of its realization. Among the most dominant speculations is one that links coup attempt with the beginning of Turkish geopolitical and foreign policy reorientation. This Paper is trying to provide answer to the question “is Turkey changing its foreign policy orientation?” by observing connections between classical geopolitical position of Turkey and its influence on evolution of Turkey`s foreign policy. Comparing with the Cold War period, changes in Turkey`s post Cold War foreign policy have been cognized, while “Neo-otoman” foreign policy is recognized just as doctrinal, systematical new foreign policy adapted to new circumstances in international relations. By analyzing contemporary Turkish foreign policy actions that are in complete accordance with its foreign policy doctrine, this Paper concludes that they, seen in relations with inner political tensions, are factor that can accelerate coup attempt, but that they alone can`t be its main and only cause.
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