
  • Zoran B. Jevtović Филозофски факултет Ниш
  • Predrag Đ. Bajić Факултет политичких наука Београд


migrants, daily newspapers, narratives, public space, religion, stereotypes, humanity


By using quantitative and qualitative content analysis, authors have done research of typical narratives and forms that were used in representation of the migrant crisis, primarily related to the Balkan route, on the covers of Serbian daily newspapers (Politika, Danas, Večernje novosti, Blic, Kurir, Alo and Informer) in year 2015. The research indicates prevailing com¬municative manichanism characterised, on the one hand, with prevailing of sensationalist and xenophobic discourses based on the fear of newcomers; оn the other hand, discourses emphasize the humanity, mostly in treatment of migrants in Serbia, as well as through their individual lifestories. As the main results, research points at the absence of wider role of investigative journalism, deeper analysis of the current problems that Serbia is facing, combined with the fact that sources of dominant attitudes usually come from the ruling political elite. Practice shows that superficial, formatted, sensationalist and spinned presentation of migrant crisis in the Serbian daily newspapers provide the soil to spread the stereotypes about the place of migrants in society, so it thus makes significant obstacles to their integration into the concept of civic community.


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How to Cite

B. Jevtović , Z. ., & Đ. Bajić, P. . (2016). THE MIGRANT CRISIS IN THE MIRROR OF SERBIAN DAILY PRESS. KULTURA POLISA, 13(31), 29–43. Retrieved from



Original scientific work
