geopolitics, demography, migrant crisis, radical Islam, Americanism, terrorismAbstract
Without clear analysis which indicates geopolitical context of the migrant crisis that is unfolding before our eyes in the last few years, it is not possible to understand its situation, the essence or the dimensions of the problem and the consequences it generates. In this work the main emphasis will therefore focus on the analysis of the roots and causes of the migrant crisis, its creators and generators, as well as the possible consequences in case of its further radicalization. Part of the work will also be dedicated and demographic aspects of this crisis or the problems of European countries in which they were before its outbreak. It is particularly important to emphasize the work and functioning of the structures of radical Islam, which in conjunction with the global geopolitical interests Americanism threatens to create new regional or even wider conflicts with unforeseeable political, economic, demographic and religious consequences.
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