sustainable development, environmental sociology, globalization, ecomodernism, „natural”, non-humanAbstract
The work in the broadest sense questions the definition of the term sustainable development, with special emphasis on the review of theoretical concepts dealing with this paradigm. Depending on their needs, people perceive differently what should be sustainable and what should be developed. There is also a question of how we can cognize the needs of the future human generations? How can we, on the basis of our predictions, form their moral responsibility? Who decides? On what basis are decisions made? A man affects relations in the biotic community, which are then passed onto the next generations, and for this reason, the perspective of those who advocate the rights of non-humans and their inclusion in the moral system is shown. This work also considers one of the more recent views on sustainability - posthumanism, which is opposed to the anthropocentric idea of a man as a measure of all things.
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