ideology, spontaneity, stratification, repression, articulation, antagonismAbstract
In this text, the author is examining the conditions of the possibility of the discourse on the immediacy of ideology, by the example of the ideologemе on “natural” stratification and ideological regimes or mechanisms of symbolical exchange and repression. The general procedure presents reconsidering of the structure of exemplary standpoints of such regimes of discourse on ideology, in Pierre Bourdieu and Jacques Ranciere, to the effect of finding the critical point of immediacy, which is analyzed as an ideological neuralgia in figures of asilum ignorantiae. The model of analysis is based on the Althusserian preposition of the priority of ideological practices and mechanisms to the content and subjects of the ideological field. Starting from the standard motifs of immediacy, spontaneity, automatism, senses and body, the role of ideology is considered within the logic of exchange and mechanisms of repression, in order to elucidate the relation of consent and coercion in the immediacy of ideological effects. As a main conclusion, beside the findings in regard to the critique of the concept of emancipation and simplification of the issue of immediacy, a categorical set is demonstrated within which a non-standard model of ideological immediacy is presented, according to which the immediacy of ideology is realized within a complex structure of ideological antagonism.
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