
  • Hatidža Beriša Министарство одбране Републике Србије
  • Mile Rakić Институт за политичке студије Београд


security, migration, assessment, analysis, scenarios, the Western Balkans, the Republic of Serbia


The work is based on the strategic assessment of the situation of migrant crisis in the Balkans, which is based on the findings from open sources, primarily from expert analysis and scientific papers of eminent scientists and experts in this field from home and abroad, as well as official information of state institutions and data from local and foreign media. Content expressed through descriptions, assessment and predictions is given on the basis of available information, and in this respect should be treated with certain restrictions. The aim of this paper is to consider, through Serbian case study, all the aspects of the impact of the migrant crisis on the national security and point out on possible solutions regarding this matter in the coming period. The results presented here incurred during the security assessment of the migrant crisis and its impact on the security of the Republic of Serbia, implemented SWOT analysis, creation of possible scenarios of further development of the situation and findings in the possible solutions of the crisis.


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How to Cite

Beriša , H. ., & Rakić, M. . (2016). MIGRANT CRISIS - THE CASE STUDY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA . KULTURA POLISA, 13(30), 35–60. Retrieved from https://kpolisa.com/index.php/kp/article/view/878



Monographic study
