
  • Veselin Konatar Факултет безбедности Београд
  • Nađa Konatar Правни факултет Нови Сад


HUMINT, intelligence services, interrogation, violence, torture.


Collecting intelligence data from and via human sources (Human Intelligence Collection - HUMINT), despite wide and legal options that enable ОSINТ (Open Source Intelligence – collection of intelligence data from open sources) and ТECHINT (Technical Intelligence – collection of intelligence data via technical means), remains one of the most important methods of intelligence services’ work considering the fact it represents the most reliable way of collecting information about motives, intentions, secret plans, options and decisions that are wanted to be kept in secrecy.

A part of the HUMINT’s activities represents also violent interrogation, a technique which in the era of metastatic terrorism is experiencing a new renaissance despite huge ethical dilemmas, suspicious efficiency and damage it causes not only to the interrogated subject (agent, prisoner, deserter, refugee, terrorist, etc.), but to those who practice it and approve it.

Starting from the nature of contemporary safety challenges, risks and threats, along with the efforts that are being made in order to institutionalize violent techniques in collection of data from human sources, this paper will deal with analysis of reasons for which this method of intelligence information collection is unacceptable regardeless of the amount of stake and the value that can be protected.


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