Criminalistics - Forensic Processing of the Place of a Criminal Event
crime scene, traces, crime scene processingAbstract
Every person who commits a criminal offense tries both to cover up his criminal activity and to remove traces at the place of execution that would be incriminating for him and could bring him in connection with the criminal offense. However, despite such efforts the place where a certain criminal event took place, in most cases is a place where it is possible to find different types of traces and objects related to the crime. Most of these traces and objects, often have their origin and are related to a specific crime. However, traces and objects can be found that are not related to the specific crime and perpetrator or have some remote connection but are not crucial for its elucidation. Resolving such a dilemma implies determining the relevant relationship between the traces and objects found at the scene of the criminal event and the criminal act and its perpetrator. In that case, criminal (forensic) processing of the crime scene is an activity that is crucial for establishing legally relevant facts and for the success of criminal proceedings.
The paper discusses the specifics of criminal – forensic processing of the cri-me scene. The existence of different types of traces at the crime scene is pointed out and the importance of their finding, fixing, interpretation and packaging is emphasized. Special emphasis is placed on the need to determine the causal consequential links between the traces and objects found and the specific criminal offense and the perpetrator, i.e., their probative credibility in the context of the outcome of the criminal proceedings.
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