Organized Crime Globalization and Transformation Into a Powerful Economic and Armed Force


  • Darko M. Marković Faculty of Law for Commerce and Judiciary, Novi Sad, Serbia
  • Ivana Spaić Faculty of Law for Commerce and Judiciary, Novi Sad, Serbia



transnational crime, economic power, money laundering,, underground banking, arms trade, global threat


In the globalized world that we live in, which is characterized by the intensification of transnational flows of goods, people and capital, and the development of new technologies, parallel to the liberalization of the market, the strengthening of organized crime is taking place. Because of its ability to parasitize on political and financial institutions and in turn spread its branches and illicit business beyond national borders, but also because of the relation to terrorism and the financing of armed conflicts in modern asymmetric conflicts, organized crime has been transformed into a mighty economic power, with the attributes of an armed power as well and the potentials to indeed become that. Starting from the position of relevant international authorities that globalization is fertile ground for the development of organized crime to unprecedented proportions, the aim of this paper is to look for an answer to the question of whether transnational organized crime can be considered one of the most powerful economic and armed powers , and if yes, to what extent, all by analysing the indicators of its power in the context of globalization and the factors affecting its strengthening.


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How to Cite

M. Marković, D. ., & Spaić, I. . (2021). Organized Crime Globalization and Transformation Into a Powerful Economic and Armed Force . KULTURA POLISA, 18(2), 39–50.
