Migrants, Identities, Terrorism, Religions, Conflicts, SecurityAbstract
By analyzing migration through a conflictual paradigm, the author explores its potential terrorist framework, concentrating on the Balkan route and the role of Serbia and its security services in their prevention. Slow, but more evident changes in the ethnic, religious and cultural structure of the European Union’s population are causing a change in the security paradigm, which here will be clarified in detail.
The theoretical definition of the migrant crisis as a more permanent and larger event with potentially negative consequences affecting the recipient countries, as well as their public, indicates their conflict and insufficiently deep integration, which creates a fertile ground for new conflicts. Time compression and information-communication dissemination of terrorist activities increases the number of highly-stressed situations, which requires a precise, fast and adequate response from crisis management. At the center of scientific attention, there is a collision of national (especially religious) identities, creating a possible security disorder that affects the state, but in the long run it endangers the fundamental assumptions, self-identity and essence of the European Union.
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