Security Culture in the Function of Creating a Culture of Peace
security, peace, security culture, peace cultureAbstract
The current crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, which has destroyed many lives and economies of many countries around the world, has shown, more than ever, how much the need for security has become more pronounced. Due to uncertainty, fear of the unknown and permanent concern about how the crisis will affect them, their loved ones and their existence in general, people are trying to regain predictability, order and control in their lives. Of course, this includes all aspects of “security”: emotional security, physical security, financial security, the effectiveness of law and justice, freedom from fear, social stability, security of property, health and well-being. stress, and even today they face a life in which there is little order and predictability. Although rational beings, they have not yet adopted a security culture as a kind of skill of living, which is a precondition for creating cultures of peace and non-violence, which is key to human existence and prosperity.
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