migrations, religion, globalization, economy, Islam, extremismAbstract
Migrations in general could be viewed as a millennial process and phenomenon. The history of mankind is largely a history of migrations. It was built through migrations and almost all human societies, cultures, and habits, are largely marked with migratory movements and exchanges. In wider temporal context, it is unequivocal that migrations brought material, cultural, spiritual, and many other forms of exchange. Thus, we can consider migrations as “normal (usual) phenomenon”. Regardless on today’s globalization processes, new transport means, communications, etc., for majority of the world population we could say that it is stationary, and that during their lifetime they are staying in the area of their origin. Still, it is estimated that over one billion of the world population we could call mobile population, while 750 million of people in the world today could be considered internally mobile of internal migrants (those who migrate within the borders of their own states). Contrary to this viewpoint, there is one that considers the contemporary migrations as a problem or abnormality. Partial reasons for the establishment of such a stand we can find in the media and at large number of politicians who are flooding us with rhetoric on migration as something menacing and represents a threat. This viewpoint is often supported with the thesis that the latest migratory movement from countries inhabited with population that is practicing the principles of the youngest monotheistic religion, represent clear and unambiguous intention to change significantly the ethno-religious picture of Europe today. Otherwise, if something important is not done in terms of counter-measures, the close future of “Christian Europe” is equal to the one from Houellebecq’s “Submission”, or even more catastrophic. This paper will analyse both approaches and try to bring them closer (or completely estrange them), through their comparative analysis and based on available literature, and then try to observe the phenomenon from the most balanced perspective.
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