
  • Nenad Bingulac Универзитет Привредна академија Нови Сад


Endangering safety, misdemeanor liability, Law on asylum, Law on foreigners, Law on state border protection


In the shadow of possible misuse of the Law on asylum, there are much larger security challenges which in a latent manner are endangering safety. Modern states and societies are threatened by many security challenges, of which some that are already known, now take on new forms. The last few years increasingly dominant question is jeopardizing general security due to the increased rate of crime commited by the migrants, but also significantly more complex problem which is manifested through terrorist attacks due to infiltration of terrorists in European countries as persons who are seeking asylum. Foreigners who want to illegally cross border or without adequate documents, or cross the border contrary to the Law on protection of state border had resulted in an activity that has all the essential characteristics of a misdemeanour. With reference to certain provisions of the Law on asylum, in the circumstances provided by law, not only excludes misdemeanor responsibility, it can also create a significant security risk. In this paper, we will discuss some of the most important issues related to this problem.


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How to Cite

Bingulac, N. . (2017). SECURITY THREAT DUE TO ABUSE LAW ON ASYLUM. KULTURA POLISA, 14(1), 133–144. Retrieved from


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