The importance of Human Resources in the Development of ICT Enterprises


  • Nemanja J. Lekić Belgrade Academy of Business and Art Vocational Studies, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Dejan D. Vukosavljević Faculty of Management, Sremski Karlovci, Serbia



human resources, ICT companies, knowledge economy, intellectual capital, human capital, innovation


In modern business conditions, a special place belongs to the services provided by ICT companies. The most valuable property of these companies is human capital, ie employees with their knowledge, abilities and possibilities. The subject of research is human capital as one of the most important components of intellectual capital. The aim of this paper is to analyze human capital and its basic components: learning and education, experience and expertise, and innovation and creativity. In the period June-August 2020, research was conducted in ICT companies of the Republic of Serbia. The findings of the research showed that the employees in these companies assessed learning and education as the most important factor of human capital. These results should serve as a guideline for managers to identify the components of human capital that need to be further acted upon in order to improve the overall performance of employees, which directly reflects on the growth and development of the company itself.


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How to Cite

J. Lekić, N., & D. Vukosavljević, D. (2021). The importance of Human Resources in the Development of ICT Enterprises . KULTURA POLISA, 18(44), 293–305.



Review Article

