Stock Exchange Indices as an Investment Indicator
stock exchange indices, trade, goods, price, marketing, investmentsAbstract
Stock exchanges are such specialised market institutions where standardised and tradable goods are traded and exchanged, which means precisely defining the quality and all other performances of goods. Trading is enabled by stock exchange customs and strict rules within the law. Stock exchange indices are the basic indicator of the importance of the stock market in the market on the basis of which decisions on investments in the stock market are made. The aim of this paper is to systematise the knowledge about the historical role of commodity exchanges on the market, but also to indicate the importance of the development of information technologies on the modern significance of stock exchanges. The results of the research show that stock exchange indices are the basic indicator of the state and development of the commodity market and investment tendencies. The conclusion is that stock exchange indices are an important factor in the development of the commodity market with special emphasis on their importance in agriculture. They are an indicator of economic trends and an indicator of investment.
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