gambling, addiction, pathological gambling, typology of gambling, crime preventionAbstract
In most cultures around the world, gambling is socially acceptable and legal activity for fun. Today are available various types of gambling activities, national lottery, scratchcards, internet gambling, casino games, sports betting, bingo, slot machines, a private betting, etc. While the vast majority of gambling and recreational activities without adverse consequences, the minority this habit progresses to pathological gambling, turning into an obsessive compulsive disorder, which negatively affects the individual, family and society. This disorder is associated with high rates of psychiatric comorbidity, abuse of alcohol, drugs and other psychoactive substances. To finance their unhealthy habit pathological gamblers often resort to criminal activities, from petty crimes to violent crimes. Pathological gambling is a serious health problem, but the early identification, prevention and appropriate professional treatment can limit and mitigate long-term adverse effects and improve the outcome for addicts and their environment.
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