Perennialism and Cyclysm: Evola’s View of Historical Cycles




perennialism, tradition, cycling, doctrine of the four ages, Julius Evola


By defining the Perennial school (“Sofia Perenis”) or traditionalism as an “alternative stream” of thought in the 20th century which believes that in the foundations of all leading world religions there are identical universal truths that they manifest in different ways and lead to transcendental cognition, the Paper first observes the relation of perennialists toward historical dynamics. It determinates that perennialists are advocates of an emanation, cyclical view of history that begins with separation from the One and, in declining cyclical phases, leads to a return to it. Furthermore, different perennialist views of the duration of the phases of these cycles are observed. In the second part, the Paper analyzes the traditionalist teachings of Julius Evola, his version of historical cyclism, and its influence on cultural dynamics and tries to answer the question of why Evola's view is, practically, without major influences on the modern study of historical dynamics.


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How to Cite

Gajić, A. (2022). Perennialism and Cyclysm: Evola’s View of Historical Cycles. KULTURA POLISA, 19(1), 143–165.
